The Film-Animation area of the SMFA will be hosting the evening screening of the Punto y Raya Festival, this Tuesday Nov. 30 at 7pm. The evening is also a chance for the local New England Animators, a collective of professional locals to meet local college students that are also interested in animation.
Co-Curator Noël Palazzo will be hosting the event screening, which has been traveling internationally, away from their home in Barcelona, Spain. The Iota Center, a public arts organization dedicated to abstract cinema and visual music, located in Culver City, CA is the other side of the collaboration, and is headed by animation filmmaker/artist, Larry Cuba.
The screening is a collection of the "Best of 2009" abstract animation films.
A blog from the Animation crew at the School of the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston, MA.
Nov 28, 2010
Nov 27, 2010
Animation Notboek
Evelien Lohbeck’s multimedia artwork noteboek (2008), has been selected as a Top Video in the Biennial of Creative Video, the showcase organized by the Guggenheim Museum and YouTube.
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