
Nov 28, 2010

Punto y Raya Animation screening at SMFA

The Film-Animation area of the SMFA will be hosting the evening screening of the Punto y Raya Festival, this Tuesday Nov. 30 at 7pm. The evening is also a chance for the local New England Animators, a collective of professional locals to meet local college students that are also interested in animation.

Co-Curator Noël Palazzo will be hosting the event screening, which has been traveling internationally, away from their home in Barcelona, Spain. The Iota Center, a public arts organization dedicated to abstract cinema and visual music, located in Culver City, CA is the other side of the collaboration, and is headed by animation filmmaker/artist, Larry Cuba.

The screening is a collection of the "Best of 2009" abstract animation films.

Nov 27, 2010

Animation Notboek

Evelien Lohbeck’s multimedia artwork noteboek (2008), has been selected as a Top Video in the Biennial of Creative Video, the showcase organized by the Guggenheim Museum and YouTube.
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Nov 14, 2010

Stop-Mo Puppets from Animation 1!

These puppets are all from the SMFA Animation 1 class of Fall 2010. We did stop-motion animation, and learned how to make armatures, fabricate body shapes and make costumes. We used extra-strength magnets in their feet to bind them to thin sheets of steel on the tabletop of the sets.