Raoul Servais, an independent film maker "The Magician from Onsted" earned a world famous reputation. In 1963 Servais attended The Royal Academy of Fine Arts, this school has produced many animators and film makers who soon made it to The United States of America. Servais felt comfortable there because of a teacher named Albert Vermerien . Servais' first camera was made out of a cigar-box , but he wasnt impressed by the image quality of it. Servais was born in Onsted , his career began in the 1960's. His early films illustrated his rich sensibility in , Chromphobia (1965) and Sirene (1968). All of Servais' films have a an original theme. Nachtvlinders (Nocturnal Butterflies) he resources himself as delicate and nostalgic. Also , In Servais' films he visualizes human values that are threatened and degraded and his images open up a new view of the world.
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